Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Day 2 Completed

Day 2 is just about over. Well, actually, it's day 2 1/2! I actually started this on Monday morning!

Anyway, this was my first work day without a cigarette. Boy, was it tough. My previous two posts were from my cell phone! I really think that stress is the #1 cause for me to smoke! I caught myself thinking of having a cigarette in the middle of meetings. I had to pop a piece of Commit. Yes, I'm taking the small dosage... about 1/4 of a pill. I keep the bag of them with me.

Let's see how tomorrow goes. It's a 2 day work week for me. I have Good Friday off.

1 comment:

Kerry Cunningham said...

Go Phil! And we all get to quit with you! as it should be.

Okay, i'll be rooting for you and checking here daily to hear of your succes.