Today, Crystal died. She was 13. She was a good cat. She had been ill. It looked like she was getting better, but then she took a turn. I will miss her.
Crystal had been sick... throwing up almost every day. Earlier in the summer, the vet found a growth in her stomach and we were treating it with medication. We thought she was getting better because she stopped throwing up and had a healthy appetite again. About a month ago, she started throwing up again and the vet prescribed another medication. A few weeks ago she started eating less. She really didn't each much since last Friday. And then she stopped eating all together. Our cat sitter tried baby food and she wouldn't eat it. I tried giving her some treats and chicken breast that I blanched in water, and she wouldn't eat it. I even tried giving her some shrimp. She tasted it and spit it out. She looked weak and lethargic. The vet took x-rays and saw 2 more growths in her stomach. Also, the stomach walls were thicker than normal. So she was starving. And her liver stopped working so she was jaundiced. Her system was starting to shutdown. Putting her to sleep took her suffering away. Shawn was in the room when the vet euthanized her.
We adopted Crystal and her sister, Kira, at Petco in Union Square, Fall 1997. An animal shelter has a section where pets can be adopted. We saw Crystal first and Shawn held her so no one else could adopt her. During that time, we were looking for a second kitten. Kira was meowing much in her cage and scratched up one of the workers when she tried to take Kira out of he cage. We were reluctant to adopt her. In the end, we did and I am so happy we did as she is a very affection (albeit shy) cat.
It was cute seeing Crystal and Kira play as kittens. Our old apt had a staircase and once they got acclimated to the apt, they would run up and down the stairs. It was cute seeing them groom each other and sleep with each other. They were both shy around visitors. Crystal less so. She would make her way out of hiding.
Crystal was a well-behaved cat. Never bit or scratched. Let me brush her and cut her nails. When she was hungry, she wouldn't meow as Kira did. Instead, she would jump on and off the bed or couch... wherever Shawn and I were. Think of it as a double team... Kira made the noise and Crystal caused the distraction. Crystal and Kira liked to sit with us when we watched TV. Kira usually sat with me and Crystal sat with Shawn. Same routine every night. When I came home from work, both Crystal and Kira would meet me at the door. Hungry of course.
I will miss Crystal. She was such a good cat. Poised... She sat like a statue. Like a crystal statue. Front paws together and tail wrapped around. I have very fond memories to keep with me.
Today, it's not smoke in my eyes... it's tears.